On loess bluffs high above the plain
towers a statuesque oak with no memory
as wind whispers patterns on placid water
songbirds sing of hope in azure skies
Dreams tethered with love drift on sultry breezes
chasing willowy clouds to summer’s soft shoulder
caressed by sheltering limbs they become prisoners
no longer seeking fulfillment of childish wishes
Desperately seeking inspiration in fleeting daylight
my love’s caring hands grow cold to the touch
as painful eyes betray longing in a broken heart
yet tears fall to be devoured by parched earth
Immersed in endless beauty of nature’s undeterred wealth
with little reason to struggle against destiny’s will
for sadness of loss can never scream loud enough
to free dreams from its solemn resting place
Cruel is unintended consequences of circumstance
where forces of time are blind to unrealized ecstasy
obscuring the grace of endless compassion
with indifference to the promise of tomorrow
Unbounded love shall not secure freedom
for stormy night fade silently from view
as rain kiss crimson lips of passion
knowing dawn will steal heaven’s joy
Beauty abounds for final embrace burns
as dreams dies fearing the approaching sunset
on loess bluffs high above the plain
mourned by a statuesque oak with no memory
Mr. Blue