Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!
Sitting Bull
The prairie earth has erupted into exuberance and life. A mild winter followed by a cool March contributed to a glorious spring unsurpassed in decades. In reflection, I cannot ever recall every tree, shrub and flower blooming at the same time. The early blooms of forsythia, magnolia and redbuds share the stage with the late blooms of lilac, dogwoods and crabapples. The daffodils reach for the sky next to tulips. In the average spring this sequence of blooms may extent over four to five weeks as the ground slowly warms and awakes, but this spring all of nature exploded within the same week.
Every view is awash with spectacular color as each species sings in triumph over winter. Every corner is filled with profusion and excess. I have never experienced air so heavily scented with a sensuous mix of perfume. It is a gift to experience another prairie spring as memorable as this one. Today there is no other place I would rather be. I think I’ll turn the phone off, grab a bottle of Riesling and some cheese spending the afternoon at the botanical garden outside of town. I want to lie in the sun and watch this glorious display.
Every view is awash with spectacular color as each species sings in triumph over winter. Every corner is filled with profusion and excess. I have never experienced air so heavily scented with a sensuous mix of perfume. It is a gift to experience another prairie spring as memorable as this one. Today there is no other place I would rather be. I think I’ll turn the phone off, grab a bottle of Riesling and some cheese spending the afternoon at the botanical garden outside of town. I want to lie in the sun and watch this glorious display.